Getting Started

So you have installed the app and launched the demo version. Now it’s time to see Language Cracker in action.

Test the connection to ChatGPT

Just type “Hello” in the chat editor – the bottom part of the window. You should see the AI response in the Output panel.

Set your languages and text input method

Language Cracker lets you study six languages at the same time. Click the Options button and select your preferred languages. Of course, you don’t need to learn them all. In the prompts to AI languages are represented by numbers from 1 to 6 and you can edit the prompts to define the number of active languages. By default, the prompts are set to study two languages simultaneously.

The first language selected in Options should be your main foreign language that you are studying. The second or the last language should be the language you already know (e.g. your mother tongue). Thus, you can find out quickly the meaning of the unknown words and phrases in the other active languages.

By default, Language Cracker uses the fast mouse selection for the text transfer. You can change it in Options > Input by copy to transfer the selected text via the copy shortcut in your system – Command + C in MacOS or CTRL + C in Windows.

Study the text in a foreign language

For the beginning, you can open a website in the language of your interest. For example, it can be a website with the news. Place the Language Cracker in your screen comfortably over the website and do as follows:

  • Select part of the text (e.g a sentence or a paragraph).
  • The selected text appears in Language Cracker interface (LC) and it is translated into the active languages, including your native language, automatically.
  • Then, you can select a word or a phrase in the LC interface to let the AI voice speak the selected text.
  • If you wish, you can apply one of the ten prompts in the Prompts panel on the selected text. AI will give you the answer to the prompt. For instance, if you click the Context prompt, AI will respond with the selected phrase used in another context.
  • Proceed as above with the remaining foreign language text. Language Cracker keeps the studied text in its memory so you can go back and forth using the Next and Previous buttons.

Play and enjoy

The website with the news or a blog is just a basic example of the foreign language text for learning. It can be as well any text selected from another application such an ebook and a PDF file. The beginners should focus on a simpler text while proficient learners can study based on more advanced material.

Play with Language Cracker options and prompts adjusting them to your preferences. For instance, you can set it to transfer the selected text from another application using your system copy shortcut. In Options, you can also change the size and background of the text or switch to the dark theme – see the View menu. To edit the prompts do as follows:

  • Click on the Options button.
  • Select Edit prompts in Options.
  • Click on the prompt that you wish to change.